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Those Who Have Inspired Us

Marilyn Adams
Jane Allen*
Joan Applegate*
Susan Atkins, NCTM
Paul Barnes
Haley Baronne
Jane Bastien*
Margaret Baxter-Waetje
Lecil Benedict*
Gail Berenson, NCTM
Theresa Bogard, NCTM
Irene Bowling, NCTM
Sharon Britzman
Ivana Bukvich, NCTM
Constance Knox Carroll
Ann Chamlee*
Li-Ly Chang, NCTM
Richard Crain
Louis Crowder*
Jeanne DeFoe
Galen Deibler
Retta Deiterman
Anthony DiBonaventura*
Julie Dima
Nadine Dresskell*
Guy Duckworth*
Mrs. Leone Erickson*
Joy Finley*
Eleanor Foley*
Mrs. Gustie Franz*
Charles Fugo
Adele Galanffy*
Louis Galanffy*
Edward Gates*
Janice Gockel
Celia Goering
Mary Jo Goering Preheim
Jeannie Goodwin, NCTM
May Jo Gray*
Douglas Guiles
Robert Hatvani
Priscilla Heard*
Frank Heneghan
Ann Hiles*
Shearon Horton, NCTM
Isabelle Hsiao
Cecilia Hudgens
Zena Ilyashov
Shirley Irek
Sharon Spurlock Jernigan*
Donna Kennedy
Roger Keyes
Vivian Kleinhuzen
Billie Leach, NCTM
Phyllis Lehrer, NCTM
Rozalie Levant
Jamie Lober
Marcile Mack*
Peter Mack, NCTM
Jane Magrath, NCTM
Nina Markle
Victoria Markowski*
Danielle Martin*
Leonard Mastrogiacomo
Thomas Mastroianni*
Dawn McCord
Baruch Meir
Ruth Meyer*
Ann Mishler
Fran Olivier
Donald L. Patterson, NCTM
Dana Phillips Waldrop
Ruth Pitts, NCTM
Elizabeth Powell
Ken Preheim
Alex Ramirez
Heather Rathnau*
Richard Reber
Joan Reist*
David Renner
Gloria Ribbeck*
Mallie Riecken, NCTM
Victor Rosenbaum
Maxine Ruth Fast*
Content Sablinsky, NCTM
Mary Scanlan
Janelle Schlaudt, NCTM
Gordon Schrag
Natalya Shkoda
Mary Siciliano, NCTM
Shitong Sigler
Béla Siki*
Carol Snell-Cyr*
Athalie Southard, NCTM
Barbara “Bobbi” Stoutenburgh*
John Sweat
Sonya Szabo-Reynolds, NCTM
N. Jane Tan*
Lian Tan, NCTM
Karen Taylor
Robert Thomas, NCTM
Genevieve Truran*
Kathleen Van Doeren*
Mrs. Ferd Voth*
Donald Walker*
Keith Wallingford*
Vera Watson, NCTM
Kassandra Weleck, NCTM
Leon Whitesell*
Adrienne Wiley
Eulalie Wilson
Loren Withers*
Mrs. Wolf*
Cindy Wu*
Roy Wylie*
Robin Zemp*
Sallye Zeringue, NCTM



Leave a Legacy

Would you like to make an investment in the future? If you would like to make a planned gift or fully fund an endowment of $20,000, the Legacy Society allows you to contribute to a more musical tomorrow.

Leave a Legacy—Planned Giving Form

Make a Contribution

Contributing to the MTNA Foundation Fund is easy. Select the option that best fits you:

Contribute Now

Make a Contribution - PDF Form

Grant Applications Are Now Available

The MTNA Foundation Fund is committed to keeping America’s musical future alive for future generations through the Grants program. A variety of grants are available to MTNA members and non-members alike, as well as affiliate organizations.

Program Development Grant
Community Engagement Grant
Affiliate Enrichment Grant
Teacher Enrichment Grant