Contributing Made Even Easier
MTNA has established a secure site to enable you to contribute to the Foundation Fund online via your credit card. With this option you can designate your donation to one or more of the 24 named endowment funds, the general endowment fund, the annual fund, or to any Fellow fund or endowment fund in progress. You also can direct your gift to one or more of the Foundation Fellow funds. Three card choices are offered: MasterCard, Visa or American Express. Five payment options are available and you may indicate when you want payments to begin. When you submit the form, you will receive an e-mail confirmation, and you can print out the contribution information for your records. To contribute online go to “Make a Contribution."
If you do not wish to contribute directly online, you can download the contribution form in PDF format and send it to the Foundation Fund with your check, money order, cash or credit card information.
Make a ContributionContributing to the MTNA Foundation Fund is easy. Select the option that best fits you: |
Leave a LegacyWould you like to make an investment in the future? If you would like to make a planned gift or fully fund an endowment of $20,000, the Legacy Society allows you to contribute to a more musical tomorrow. |