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Teacher Enrichment Grant Guidelines

PURPOSE: To provide assistance, of up to $750, to music teachers for private study, specific college-level course work or other projects that will enhance the performing and teaching skills of the applicant. Teacher Enrichment Grants support Pillar Two of the MTNA mission: “Sustain the Profession,” by supporting programs/activities designed to “ensure the long-term future of the profession.”


  • Applicant must be actively teaching at the time of application.
  • Applicant may apply for funding for only one project per year.
  • Proposed projects must occur during the grant year (July 1, 2025–June 30, 2026).
  • Final reports for any previous MTNA grants have been submitted.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 3:00 p.m., Eastern Time, May 1, 2025.


  • Grant may be used for private study, specific college-level course work or special projects in performance, pedagogy, music theory, composition and so on.
  • The grant is not intended to be used to pursue course work toward a degree, travel funds or for ongoing projects.
  • Grant applications for assistance with commercial ventures or projects that could be funded by an employer are not encouraged.

OF SPECIAL NOTE: The following endowments fund specific grant projects. Please check to the list to see if you are eligible. 

Joyce B. Andersen Endowment Fund –funds Teacher and Affiliate Enrichment grants that provide music programs for students, teachers and public education in the state of Montana and MTNA’s Northwest Division. 

Fern Nolte Davidson Endowment Fund –funds Teacher Enrichment Grants for teachers from the state of Idaho and MTNA's Northwest Division.

Carol J. Nelson Endowment Fund -funds Teacher Enrichment Grants for voice teachers.

Loran Olsen Endowment Fund -funds Teacher or Affiliate Enrichment Grants for projects that pertain to the traditional music and/or dance of American subcultures, including those of Canada and Mexico, and for projects that pertain to the expansion of knowledge of the traditional music and/or dance of other cultures worldwide.

Amanda Ward Penick Endowment Fund -funds Teacher Enrichment Grants benefiting Alabama and MTNA Southern Division teachers.

Elnora Hartman Stickley Endowment Fund –funds Teacher Enrichment Grants benefitting Indiana and MTNA East Central Division teachers.

Texas Music Teachers Association Endowment Fund –funds Teacher Enrichment Grants given to young professionals from the South Central Division to attend the MTNA National Conference.


  • Quality (30 points)—Project is well thought out and demonstrates, supports or promotes professional development, continuing education or personal enrichment.
  • Implementation (30 points)—Applicant demonstrates ability to successfully design and implement the project. This might include documented planning, financial management and/or timeline.
  • Benefit/Impact (40 points)—Applicant articulates how he/she will benefit from the project and the impact that the project will have on his/her professional development or career. Project will “sustain the profession” through professional development, continuing education or personal enrichment.


  • Amount of funding requested
  • Brief description of proposed project (250 words max)
  • Description of how funds will be used (100 words max)
  • Dates of project (must fall between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026)
  • Description of project impact on personal growth (250 words max).

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Grant Applications Are Now Available

The MTNA Foundation Fund is committed to keeping America’s musical future alive for future generations through the Grants program. A variety of grants are available to MTNA members and non-members alike, as well as affiliate organizations.

Program Development Grant
Community Engagement Grant
Affiliate Enrichment Grant
Teacher Enrichment Grant

Leave a Legacy

Would you like to make an investment in the future? If you would like to make a planned gift or fully fund an endowment of $20,000, the Legacy Society allows you to contribute to a more musical tomorrow.

Leave a Legacy—Planned Giving Form